Sea Days on the Pacific Ocean

October 4th, 2018

October 4, 2018

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We had four Sea Days between Los Angeles and Honolulu and an additional five Sea Days on the Pacific Ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti.  Before the trip, I was a little worried about so many days crossing the largest ocean in the world.  I researched Pacific storms, hurricanes, cyclones, and other winds across the seas.  Although storms were brewing in the Atlantic, thankfully, our sea days were calm and peaceful. Below is a section of the Promenade Deck:

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In case I became bored, I brought along three books to read and loaded my iPhone with two novels and many hours of podcasts.  I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Princess had many activities, lectures, entertainment, and events all day covering a wide variety of interests. Below is the Skywalkers Nightclub, hot tub, and lawn games:

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The Piazza was the three-story atrium and heart of the Golden Princess with scheduled entertainment and activities as well as shops, internet cafe, library, and (our favorite) the 24-hour International Cafe serving coffee and pastries.

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Lokielina and Komo performed traditional Hawaiian music and taught hula dancing, ukulele playing, and lei making.  They were a charming couple and very popular!

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The Polonia Duo played classical music and as well as show tunes and popular music.

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The outside pool had good pizza and burgers & fries which were served until 10:00 PM.  Movies were also shown here three times a day on a gigantic screen.

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Tuesday, October 2nd at about 4:00 PM we crossed the equator!  There was a very silly ceremony which involved the King and Queen of the Oceans who presided over the celebration.  One of the crew pushed Captain Aldo into the pool.  Several “pollywogs” – people who had never crossed the Equator before – had to be slimed and hosed down.  The King and Queen read an official proclamation and we all received certificates to celebrate the crossing.  It was very silly and funny!

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On the first day, Jeff and I joined a Trivia Contest team.  There are six of us – Dee and Jean from Chicago, Mel and Louise from Rockhampton, Australia.  We meet twice a day to try to out-score the other teams.  We haven’t won yet, and we’re not bad; just a point or two away from winning “life changing” prizes.  It’s all in fun and we’re keeping our minds active.

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Every night there’s lively entertainment in the Princess Theater and the Vista Lounge.  We haven’t had the energy to attend all the shows but we enjoyed a magician, acrobats & jugglers, comedians, singers, and a hypnotist.

Half the passengers on the Golden Princess are Australians and New Zealanders, who are very friendly and outgoing, so it’s a lively group. There are a few younger passengers and even a small number of children.  The vast majority of us are retired seniors.  We have been sharing tables in the dining rooms and there’s always a lot to talk about.  The “Sea Days” pass quickly with relaxation, places to go and a lot to do.

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