Work & Play in Beijing

August 10th, 2007

August 10, 2007

Today was the first day of meetings for the China – U.S. Educational Conference. My colleagues and I rallied and attended several seminars. We also saw performances given by local school children.

In the evening, we were taken to a performance of the Peking Opera. Before the performance starts, it is tradition to watch the performers apply their makeup.

The production is a visual treat of colorful costumes where performers sing, dance, and engage in physical combat on the stage.

I learned rather quickly to appreciate vast spaces to accommodate many people and the huge size of Beijing.  Traffic is very heavy and it takes a lot of time to get anywhere.

Add to the mix is construction! There are new huge modern buildings being built and construction is everywhere!

On a more personal scale are bicycles:

And people earning a living:

One afternoon, we visited a local school. Although it was summer and most of the children were away on vacation with their families, some children take summer-school classes to accelerate or catch up.

It was very exciting to see a real elementary school and have a peek into Chinese culture.


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