Discovering Barcelona

November 13th, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

After a sleepless night on the plane, we arrived in Barcelona, Spain before the sun rose and took a taxi to our hotel on Las Ramblas, the pedestrian walkway. It was too early for the usual crowds of tourists and locals.


The plan was to stay awake all day today, or as long as we could, in order to avoid “jet lag” tomorrow, so we explored. There was a busy market near the hotel. It was a good place to take photos and people-watch.

La Boqueria Market:




We took a taxi to the train station to purchase our tickets to go to Madrid next week and then rode the subway back to our hotel.  We walked along several narrow streets in part of the old “gothic quarter” and shared a light tapas supper.

Seafood Paella:IMG_7554

Batatas Bravas:IMG_7552


Barcelona looks like a great city to explore! There are many places to go, good food, and interesting architecture. I’m looking forward to a good week…..


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